Pretty Patience Thompson, a "girl with a singing soul," lives with her cold-hearted and avaricious father, Jeff Thompson, on their Indiana farm. Her life of drudgery is brightened by John, the hired hand, but when he asks for her hand in marriage, the old man flies into a rage and discharges him. Soon an aged but wealthy widower courts Patience, and although she still loves John, "Old Jeff" orders her to marry the widower, claiming that a father's will is the law.
A young woman is framed and sent to prison for a crime she didn't commit. When she is released, she ...
Happy in her devotion to her unfortunate sister and the promise of honest love that had come into he...
Haywood, a suitor for the hand of Elida Rumsey, is severely reprimanded by her for not enlisting whe...
A poor man steals a loaf of bread to feed his family, not knowing there's a stolen diamond hidden in...
The judge's young daughter championed the cause of Ching Fow against "The Bull." Kindness begot kind...
Hard as nails and as strong winded as a gale in March, Red Hicks may have been a bit "chesty," but h...
Success is often coveted instead of honestly earned. Through honest effort the farmer was enjoying t...
The girl's lessons from the young station agent on the manipulation of the telegraph code served her...
Katherine Nevin and her brother Jack are given positions on the newspaper of James Osborne following...
An heiress takes a road trip in a green van. Unbeknownst to her, she has four pursuers.
Society miss Sally Raeburn is left penniless and is helped out by an older woman. The woman makes it...
Voices of the City is a 1921 American silent crime drama film starring Leatrice Joy and Lon Chaney t...
The general store at Scrogginses' Corner is the favorite lounging and meeting place for the citizens...
'The Yellow Pass' An early version of Der Gelbe Schein (The Yellow Ticket).
A lost silent drama film directed by Raoul Walsh and starring Renée Adorée, Carlo Liten, Harrison Hu...
Agnes Vernon is the daughter of an old prospector whose hard luck leads him to turn holdup. The fath...
Rosalie Wayne (Talmadge) meets Reginald Carter (Ford) after he introduces himself while chasing her ...
A romantic comedy, focusing on the love triangle between Bob Jones, Alysia Potter and Polly Meachum....