The Grudge 1.5 is an animated graphic novel short film, a series of segments set during and between the events of The Grudge and The Grudge 2. It prequels The Grudge 2 as it explores Eason's first contact with the Saeki murders, and consequently to the grudge curse.
Spain, 1939. In the last days of the Spanish Civil War, the young Carlos arrives at the Santa Lucía ...
A woman's boyfriend disappears, then she's attacked by ghosts.
Three happy-go-lucky friends run a coastal resort till a series of mysterious events leave them worr...
A young couple unwittingly spends all their money on a new home only to discover that it's haunted. ...
When Claire Spencer starts hearing ghostly voices and seeing spooky images, she wonders if an otherw...
Jet is a young defense lawyer with a twisted gift to see how people will die - a vision he's been do...
A butterfly explores the ruins of an ancient civilization that leads to a underground cave. In the c...
An author who falls in love with a girl gets haunted by the ghost of the dead lover of the girl's mo...
The film centers on Dr. Marcus, a renowned psychiatrist who has selected 6 severe mentally ill and d...
Jake gets himself arrested to deliver a message to a cynical cop, but will he believe Jake when he f...
Anjali, whose sister Geeta has committed suicide, is haunted by her spirit upon her return to her mo...
Yara is an immigrated girl. Escaped from the horrors of the war, she finds herself in a refugee cent...
In 2176, a Martian police unit is sent to pick up a highly dangerous criminal at a remote mining pos...
When a cadre of affluent friends gathers at a villa nestled in the vineyards of wine country for a f...
A newly married couple discovers disturbing, ghostly images in photographs they develop after a trag...
Gabi and Spence, and Spooky the dog, are the “Ghost Patrol,” their town’s supernatural pest control,...
Horror anthology with three stories all taking place in the same apartment building. The first invol...
A family of three moves to a haunted house. The couple's 10-year-old son runs into the ghost of the ...
Ghosts wreak havoc at the old school, and a student communicates with the spirit while the team reck...
A woman in the midst of an unpleasant divorce moves to an eerie apartment building with her young da...