Train “Kyiv-War“ is a full-length documentary film directed by Korniy Gricyuk. The dramatic history of the Kyiv-Kostyantynivka train, with its passengers` unique fates, pain, memories, secrets, hopes, is a history of today Ukraine. Only 12.5 hours away from peaceful Kyiv is Kostyantynivka, a small industrial city in the eastern part of the country, immediately after which the front begins. This entire time people with different characters, social status, political views, and beliefs are traveling on the train side by side. They talk, debate, even quarrel, but speak to each other and go in a common direction. And what`s important, they all want to get to peace. This film is the voice of ordinary people, the search for dialogue and the path to a common future, where everyone’s voice will be heard.
The experimental animated film Song of the Flies (El Canto de las Moscas), translates the desolation...
During the Occupation, René Carmille, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, founded what was to bec...
From May 10, 1940, France is living one of the worst tragedies of it history. In a few weeks, the co...
Ukrainian journalist Katya Soldak, currently living in New York City and working for Forbes magazine...
Due to the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, tens of thousands of Ukrainians, fleeing the war,...
In April 1918, a disease of unknown origin swept across the five continents. In 18 months, millions ...
This is a once in a generation event that needs to be examined without the usual spin that is delive...
Documentary film about war crime — annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation.
Angela Su’s fictional artist Rosie Leavers is the last remaining person to upload her consciousness ...
The fears and resiliencies within a group of teenage refugees from Ukraine are uncovered in this fil...
Survivors tell the story of the Babyn Yar massacre from WWII, where some 100,000 people were massacr...
A look back over nine years of the Syrian Civil War, an inextricable conflict, like a black box, due...
From late 1940-s to late 1980-s doves were an obsession for boys in Kyiv. This is a film about how a...
A journey through several countries to find those who really know Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader,...
A revealing and moving portrait of lives compromised by war, filmed exclusively by Ukrainian soldier...
Stories about young Ukrainian dancers and their hasty flight to the Netherlands. You see their new l...
On July 1st, 1916, the Newfoundland Regiment took part in a massive First World War offensive on the...
Parents try to understand why their children traveled from Britain to join the Kurdish army in their...