An animated cyberpunk thriller centered around a motorcycle gang of traffickers in a world of autonomous vehicles. Yuri and her brother Nyx face off against the Metro Task Force as they transport an important package to a client.
A desperate computer scientist struggling to fund her anti-depression AI application faces her tough...
Samantha, a little girl growing up in the sixties, loves classic b-movies and monsters - That is, un...
Lifelong friends and scientists Nate, Chloe and Bernard believe they are safely creating A.I. within...
Gus Patatax runs a chip shop in space. In front of him is a huge Fast Food. Gus must satisfy his onl...
A world, as spotless, bleak and cold as its uniform design is not a good place for a dreamer like Lu...
When their only daughter suddenly dies, a grieving mother and father are forced to confront their on...
A lone rambler has a terrifying encounter when he travels a lonely path in a forgotten wood
In the sixth great mass mortality of the earth, humankind became extinct. Their technology had recen...
In a cold world where nearly all of mankind has lost it's emotions, a young mother faces an impossib...
A band of futuristic cutthroats terrorize the skies on board their powerful airship. After bombing a...
"Meet my soulmate Dia" by Tanishqua Sattiraju In 2028, technology has advanced to the point where p...
A young stargazer cadet who's working for a mysterious agency decides to disobey direct orders and e...
During a Sunday night shift at SNASA (Secret NASA), an astronaut, whose ship is stranded on the Moon...
A selfish man tries to alter his destiny when he receives an ominous phone call from his future self...
An expired policeman on the run from the authorities, visits a jazz club to confess to his estranged...
It's the future, and humans have been kicked out of the cities by a new perfect race of clones. Now ...
Aboard a small escape pod, four survivors try to discover what caused the destruction of their space...
When her shift uncovers the death of a fellow miner under mysterious circumstances, a hard-working m...
During the night shift in a colony greenhouse, a botanist does her best to contain suspicious soil s...