A romantic comedy, focusing on the love triangle between Bob Jones, Alysia Potter and Polly Meachum. Originally engaged, Bob and Alysia elope to Bowling Green, Connecticut, where they meet Silas Meachum, a campaigner against motion pictures, and his daughter, Polly. The eloping couple’s family arrive, chasing them, and persuade them to wait to get married. Polly goes to New York to join the Ziegfeld Follies, but is ultimately replaced by Alysia. As Bob consoles Polly, Alysia breaks off the engagement, and Bob and Polly may now marry.
A woman takes the place of a wife who had died seven years earlier.
Allayne Norman's husband Bruce is a gambler and drunkard who kills her artist cousin in an argument....
A doctor transplants the brain of a girl who is in love with him into a girl he is in love with.
Dancer Florence Maddis marries Ross Van Beekman, son of an aristocratic New York family, and despite...
Auto racer Speed Carr enters a marathon race across the United States, from New York to Los Angeles....
An Englishman who has made his fortune in America decides to return to England.
Because of a storm wealthy Diana Webster and Jimmy Harrison, her Aunt Sue's fiancé, must stay all ni...
The Jazz Age rages in this comedy film starring Viola Dana as the madcap title character madly dashi...
When, on a prank, shimmy dancer Marcia Meadows visits bookworm Horace Tarbox in his Yale dormitory, ...
She was a very modern young woman, was Miss Hobbs. Her ideas were about fifty years ahead of time. F...
Perryam is going through a round of bad luck; he is thrown out of school and loses at love. In searc...
Richard Castleman, master of Winnecrest Hall in Louisiana, goes on a sea voyage recommended by his c...
Joanna Manners is a flapper with a million-dollar figure, million-dollar looks, and a million dollar...
Newlyweds Käthe and Max met while studying law. Trouble ensues when Max takes on his first case with...
Woman Wise is a 1928 American silent comedy drama film directed by Albert Ray and starring William R...
Dorothy and the Scarecrow are now in the Emerald City. They have become friendly with the Wizard, an...