This documentary follows seven wine-making families in the Burgundy region of France, delving into t...
Centered on the testimonies of students who were victims of harassment or sexist and sexual violence...
During the last forty years, the photographer Sebastião Salgado has been travelling through the cont...
This documentary follows the French soccer team on their way to victory in the 1998 World Cup in Fra...
Alain Juppé is known to be a plain, hardworking, cold and brilliant man. In the 90's, all French pol...
An intimate window into one of the great movements in film history that brought about an evolution i...
An overview of the works of French film pioneers Louis and Auguste Lumière from 1895 to 1897.
This short explores the possibility that Louis XVII, son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, esc...
In France’s last presidential election, Marine Le Pen, a right-wing candidate, won over 30 per cent ...
For nine months in 1930, seven Bretons, lobster fishermen, were "forgotten" on a volcanic island by ...
Short subject on how fashion is created-- not by the great couturiers, but on the street.
"Jeunesse Rouge" is a documentary exploring young French Communist revolutionaries fighting for a ju...
Take a revealing tour along a coast of contrasts, from the folksy freshness of Whitby to the coaly T...
A short film that transforms the chat-room of a porn-forum into a techno-feudal court.