This "Theater of Life" series short focuses on a medical services ship that stops in the native village of Haines, Alaska. The natives are depicted as superstitious of modern medicine. In the end, however, youngster Ralph Sarlan (the only person identified by the narrator) is taken by airplane to get corrective surgery on his deformed foot.
Behind the scenes of news coverage during the pandemic. Follow the work of the professional press in...
THE STRAIT GUYS follows Czech-born mining engineer, George, and his fast-talking protégé, Scott, alo...
This French-Canadian co-production goes behind the scenes of the huge tobacco industry, whose econom...
In the 1950s, a devastating fog descended on London and enveloped the capital for several days, leav...
Fed Up blows the lid off everything we thought we knew about food and weight loss, revealing a 30-ye...
This Traveltalk series short takes the viewer to Alaska, focusing on the cities of Sitka and Juneau.
Come fly with us in OVER ALASKA as we take off on a breathtaking tour of our 49th state. Soar over M...
As the use of plastic has gained ground in our lives over the years, there has been an inexplicable ...
Alaska... Here, in this vast and spectacularly beautiful land teeming with abundant wildlife, discov...
A documentary propaganda film produced by the U.S. Army Signal Corps about the Aleutian Islands Camp...
Amidst radical changes in nicotine use globally, one filmmaker's journey through the confusion & fea...
First Descent is a 2005 documentary film about snowboarding and its beginning in the 1980s. The snow...
When Harvard PhD student Jennifer Brea is struck down at 28 by a fever that leaves her bedridden, do...
Werner Herzog's documentary film about the "Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell and what the thirteen sum...
Four Alaskan bush families take the leap of faith to pursue their lifelong dream of living off the g...
Answer the call of the wild and visit Alaskan grizzly bears, Arizona rattlesnakes, and a wealth of n...
All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to su...
Documentary detailing the hardships of life among Alaskan Natives.
Includes all new footage which captures the WP&YR experience and history from Skagway, Alaska to Fra...