Gus Van Sant tells the story of a young African American man named Jamal who confronts his talents w...
"The Hours" is the story of three women searching for more potent, meaningful lives. Each is alive a...
A kinetic typography animation set to a reading of the poem "The Wings" by Sebastian Fox.
William Thatcher, a knight's peasant apprentice, gets a chance at glory when the knight dies suddenl...
Performance and conversation with husband-and-wife poets Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon at a New Jersey...
By day, Richard Haig is a successful and well-respected English professor at renowned Trinity Colleg...
This is the about the most admired poet in the History of Urdu and Persian writings, Mirza Ghalib
In order to buy a horse, a man wanders in the bazaars of Thessaly. His journey will take him further...
A resourceful boy creatively uses poetry to survive when his mother, a disturbed avant garde painter...
A modern poet Jamal who is against the traditional Urdu Poetry reads the biography of Mir Taqi Mir,o...
Behold the struggle between light and dark, the two principles that are at the very heart of the cin...
A nobleman poet embarks on boat trip with two local fishermen. As they hop the bucolic islands he re...
This film visualizes humanity’s quest to relentlessly pursue goals. In the human fight for progress,...
This documentary is a chronicle of the journey through the most important sites of the life of venez...
La orilla que se Abisma is conceived as a journey, a trip along a river. Like rivers, like all journ...
At the Blue Iguana, L.A.'s most notorious strip club, the lives of five exotic dancers converge, cla...
The film features the wonderful poet of the early 20th century, Count Vasily Komarovsky. The poets N...
The homoerotic poetry of Mutsuo Takahashi sets the stage for these associated images based on male d...