Starting with a Nazi plan to steal the Rimet Trophy from Italy during World War II, the story unfold...
A celebration of Manchester and its football, this film explores many Mancunians’ raison d'être: the...
Paddy McGuinness celebrates the humour, imagination and blockbuster entertainment that footie ads ha...
The obsessive supporters of Everton FC forsake wives, families and God to follow their beloved team....
Kenneth struggles with Multiple Sclerosis and still keeps it hidden from those around him. During a ...
Jess Bhamra, the daughter of a strict Indian couple in London, is not permitted to play organized so...
Year 2021. Veteran coach Joaquín Caparrós leads the Armenian National Football Team. 5,000 km away f...
The national football team and the journey to qualifying for the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) ...
They are the countries that do not exist, the peoples of no nation. In the summer of 2016, as Euro 2...
A provincial football prodigy, Matvey, has already moved from Ulan-Ude to Moscow for a year and play...
The documentary tells about the birth, history of formation and development of the National Football...
Coach Yeagley turns the Indiana University Intramural Soccer team into the power house it is today.
By the age of twenty, Eduard Streltsov has everything one can dream of: talent, fame and love. He is...
An aging soccer player has a part-time girlfriend, a young fan, and doubts about throwing a game.
This documentary charts 20 years of the French national soccer team, Les Bleus, whose ups and downs ...
Based on Zuza's testimony, the plot narrates the final of the Julio Ramalho Cup, a lowland soccer ch...
Seven young men who played soccer together since their early youth grow apart and are forced to thin...
"Haturnir" is a documentary film, following Liam Ronen "The CEO" - a high school student who arrange...
The life story of Brazilian football legend, Pele.
Presenter Holly Hamilton tells the feelgood story of the Glentoran team who left Belfast on a Europe...