'Magical Imperfection' tells the inspirational story of world-renowned Canadian architect Raymond Mo...
Follows the behind-the-scenes work of Studio Ghibli, focusing on the notable figures Hayao Miyazaki,...
After seven years in prison, a female student in Tehran is hanged for murder. She had acted in self-...
The protagonists of the film are the Zainichi Korean women living in Kawasaki. They were tossed abou...
After 15 years of knowing Chosun people in Japan I met on Mt. Geumgang in 2002, I face the history o...
A video about Neo-Nazis originating in Sweden provides the starting point of an investigation of ext...
Yohji Yamamoto | Dressmaker is an intimate and delving portrait of one of fashion's most revered sta...
In April 2013, unfamiliar faces appear at the Jamsil Baseball Stadium during the opening matches bet...
Hackers Wanted explores the origins and nature of hackers and hacking by following the adventures of...
Osaka Korean High School has provided education for the past six decades to the children of pro-Nort...
In this Traveltalk short, the symbolic role of cherry blossoms in Japanese culture is explored as we...
Archival footage of an American Nazi rally that attracted 20,000 people at Madison Square Garden in ...
Chicano is an exploration between the similarities and differences between Chicano culture in Americ...
There is a popular theory that it takes at least 10,000 hours of focused practice for a human to bec...
Adopted from South Korea, raised on different continents & connected through social media, Saman...
An NHK documentary that introduces top professionals who are active in the line. In this work, it ad...
OJ: TRIAL OF THE CENTURY, premiered on June 12, 2014 and it chronicles the twists and turns of the O...
In December 2021, Hideki Kuriyama began devoting his days to one singular goal: hoisting the champio...
This documentary follows the lives of four elderly Japanese men living in Manila's impoverished dist...
Director Park Soo-nam, a second-generation Korean resident in Japan who is losing his eyesight, deci...