Racing the Rez reveals the transformative potential of cross-country running at the team level. The story follows two rival high school teams focusing on five teens growing up on the Navajo and Hopi reservations — two distinct cultures but both richly steeped in the legacy of running as a powerful cultural tradition and a sport. Unfolding over two years of careful, patient observation, this documentary offers a rare view into the surprising complexity and diversity of contemporary reservation life, from the point of view of the young runners.
This 'educational documentary' features 10 gorgeous playmates competing against each other in variou...
An experimental sports film made partly during the Scandinavian Open Championships in Halmstad in 19...
In this animated short, Tigers ace Jack Morris recalls the adventures of getting his team pizza afte...
This documentary showcases basketball player Michael Jordan's awe-inspiring moves, providing behind-...
For 2009, MSP Films takes an original look at the sport of skiing. All of the skiers in the film—par...
Neverland is a state of mind, a mountain pushed up from the ground by imagination. Anyone can go but...
Indie film studio Silver Platter serves up yet another exhilarating ride through exotic and extreme ...
Toy Soldier Productions spent the 2010/2011 winter exploring the Northwestern United States with som...
ON THE EDGE contains film footage shot in various locations around the world to provide the viewer w...
Documentary following legendary football coach Nils Arne Eggen in his final season coaching Rosenbor...
Director James Toback takes an unflinching, uncompromising look at the life of Mike Tyson--almost so...
Considered a staple of Florida tourism, alligator wrestling has been performed by members of the Sem...
Two men. Two quests. Two centuries apart. Four ways to experience the search for a lost tribe. Film....
The Great Lakes and connecting waterways have remained the center of traditional and contemporary ec...
All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to su...
Oklahoma is home to thirty-nine federally recognized tribes. Nowhere in North America will you find ...
A short documentary about the Ojibwe Native Americans of Northern Minnesota and the wild rice (Manoo...
Just weeks after losing to the New York Yankees in the 2003 ALCS, the Boston Red Sox made it their m...
The story of how a humble Basque rural sport called zesta punta —or jai alai— was successfully expor...