One of two animation loops directed by Max Hattler, inspired by the work of French outsider artist Augustin Lesage (1876-1954). Based on Lesage's painting A Symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World from 1923.
Look out: Beryl's back. With Affairs of the Art, British animator Joanna Quinn recounts another glor...
The intertwining fates of two Vietnamese sisters who sustain a wartime relationship through written ...
The Flying Sailor is based on the Halifax Explosion of 1917 when two ships collided in the Halifax H...
Dedicated to the contradictions of scientific and technical progress, warning against one-sided tech...
For a kid to eat with an open mind, parents must also be open to changes. Opened is an animated shor...
Crawdad Eustace is fed-up with being treated as food and goes with possum pal Mordechai on a cross-c...
Paul Fierlinger's unique animation captures five individuals from diverse backgrounds as they descri...
An astronaut is detached from his space station, taken into an infinite drift throughout the univers...
Film poem created with the wild flowers that grow along the shore of the Laira estuary, the tidal mo...
Late one night, a bored cashier collects all three toys from a box of Magic Munchos and unwittingly ...
A 2D animated slapstick depicting scenarios where people fit in too much, rife with satire and socia...
A bus full of people on a trip is stopped by a policeman who isn’t satisfied with the bribe he is of...
An abandoned house is for sale, but it is said to be haunted. But the cleaner, hired to completely c...
A sheriff's shootout turns into an adventure through the wondrous world of film.
SIX GUYS is an exploration of horror, grief and the mind and is inspired by works from Junji Ito as ...
A couple rushes out of a glamorous party. On their way home, an argument leads to a brutal car accid...
The Moon Bird is a dark fairytale about an orphan girl called Teardrop who inherits magical powers f...
One of the moralities of the trio of authors Milos Macourek, Adolf Born and Jaroslav Doubrava. It de...