Bugs Bunny and his friends teach children about safety regarding fires and other burn-causing injuri...
Part of acclaimed filmmaker Frank Capra's "Wonders of Life" series of science-based films (which won...
Plant loving Hilda, has created a museum where she preserves endangered and rare plants from all ove...
Sera is the queen of the school, and everyone who bothers her becomes the "sacrifice", which is mist...
A short animated War Office commissioned health education film, showing the fate of each of the 6 ju...
The lecturer shows a microcinematographic sequence of spirochaetes and drawings of the gonoccus (the...
After a global war, the seaside kingdom known as the Valley of the Wind remains one of the last stro...
After Homer accidentally pollutes the town's water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome...
Cartoon leaflet to support the collection of waste paper.
A short film that warns adults about the dangers of kissing children, which puts them at risk of inf...
A short film about the harmfulness of visiting the sick in hospitals.
The kids believe Santa will never find them when the Circo gets stuck at the South Pole on Christmas...