Directed by Jean-Marc Boivin in 1977, Glace Extrême is a documentary about mountaineering and extrem...
On some peaks in 2003, the statistics are impressive. For the K2 dubbed "wild mountain" or "ruthless...
Starting from the Swiss village of Zermatt, two people and a guide make a perilous ascent of the Mat...
Maurice Barrard and Liliane Bontemps met in 1973 in Peru. Four years later, they are married and sta...
“Getting to the top matters,” or so says veteran alpinist Mark Richey as he prepares to climb Saser ...
The great successes and tragedies in the life and work of Hans Kammerlander, the renowned mountainee...
This is a story of a 17-year-old boy named Hari Rai, who lives in a small village in the Himalayan M...
Six blind Tibetan teenagers climb the Lhakpa-Ri peak of Mount Everest, led by seven-summit blind mou...
Record of the first ascent of Everest made without the use of oxygen equipment, made in May 1978 by ...
Marcel is on the eve of his 95th birthday. He trained his two sons, Claude and Yves, in the world of...
Ueli Steck (Switzerland), Simone Moro (Italy) and Jon Griffith (GB) are not like 95% of the climbers...
Every year, over a thousand climbers try to reach the summit of Mount Everest, with the annual recor...