This fictionalized story, based on the family life of writer James Jones, is an emotional slice-of-life story. Jones is portrayed here as Bill Willis, a former war hero turned author who combats alcoholism and is starting to experience health problems. Living in France with his wife, daughter, and an adopted son, the family travels an unconventional road which casts them as outsiders to others. Preaching a sexual freedom, his daughter's sexual discovery begins at an early age and betrays her when the family moves to Hanover in America. Her overt sexuality clashes with the values of her teenage American peers and gives her a problematic reputation. Meanwhile, her brooding brother copes with his own interior pain regarding his past, only comfortable communicating within the domestic space.
Member of a neo-Nazi gang, her day job is to take care of four crazy old people that all are just wa...
A group of bored teenagers rebel against authority in the community of New Granada.
Iron and Silk is a 1990 movie based on the eponymous book by American writer Mark Salzman. It detail...
An airline pilot pursues a live-in babysitter at his hotel and gradually realizes she is not as stab...
Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious ...
Trine refuses to fly. When the 18-year-old environmental activist and trumpet talent only has a few ...
Beautiful, wild, funny, and lost, Katie Kampenfelt takes a year off before college to find herself, ...
Simon Henderson is at boarding school in Canada while his father works in Hong Kong, and his mother ...
A family is forced off their farm due to drought, and move to Sydney.
After his mother had died, Kenan (Muzaffer Tema) left the home to take care of a goodhearted rich ma...
Hamlet returns home from drama school in United States, after the cold-blooded assassination of her ...
A Czech director wrestles with problems personal and political during the Prague spring of 1968.
Ali, a teenage Inuit hip hop fan, lives in Ivujivik, a small Arctic village where nothing interests ...
Set in 1970s Rome, the fiction tracks the plight of a nuclear family, consisting of an unhappy marri...
Set in the 1960s, a young photographer becomes obsessed photographing a grieving man - the man that ...
Violet and Stella spend idyllic summers at camp and the beach. As time passes, personalities and bod...
Due to a genetic disorder, handsome librarian Henry DeTamble involuntarily zips through time, appear...
A woman moves into a young man's home and starts to run his life -- a process that makes him fall ho...