Akun, a Pehuenche boy lives with his grandparents in the middle of the mountains in Alto Biobío. One day Akun is lost in the forest and decides to go in search of Konün Wenu to see his mother who died a few years ago.
Folil, "root" in mapunzungun, is an invitation to question the relationship of humanity with nature;...
In the Araucanía Region, an area marked by historical relations between Mapuche and non-Mapuche peop...
Santiago Maldonado disappeared in the midst of repression against a Mapuche community that claimed t...
Sayen is hunting down the men who murdered her grandmother. Using her training and knowledge of natu...
A photograph of an unknown Mapuche great-grandmother is the starting point of this documentary essay...
12-year-old Roshni forges a bond with the class outcast, Chakor, to keep her lice infestation a secr...
Amara's life was destroyed in one disastrous night on her best friend's birthday. Not accepting what...
Daniel, a widowed father in northern Martinique, lives with his 8-year-old daughter, Soraya. A fishe...
Gladys and Given's relationship broke up due to an incident one night. That night, Grace—Gladys' old...
A hot-headed taxi driver in Medellín has to repair his boss' AC at 5 AM. He is tested by a series of...
A police officer embarrasses himself on the job and gets wound up in a string of lies and confusion ...
A dramatised documentary about the lives and work of the performers and administrators of a local or...
On the run from a bloodthirsty Mexican drug cartel, Delfino and Salvador cross the Rio Grande on an ...