A film that explores the lives of female independence activists who fought against the Japanese Occu...
The Silence narrates the struggle of fifteen "comfort women"—former sex slaves by the Imperial Japan...
This is the story of survivors of the Srebrenica genocide, the only holocaust in Europe since WWII. ...
Documentary film about war crime — annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation.
During the Japanese colonial period, 22 Korean female workers were forced to work in a spinning mill...
Never-before-heard eyewitness accounts from released hostages, survivors, and first responders durin...
The film is a story about the officers, soldiers and seamen who did not betray their oath of loyalty...
While serving with the African Union, former Marine Capt. Brian Steidle documents the brutal ethnic ...
Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too ...
The 100 years of history of the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo show that wrong press can be a socia...
In 1945, two young American soldiers, brothers Budd and Stuart Schulberg, are commissioned to collec...
Endphase tells the story of one the last WWII massacres which was not spoken about for 75 years. In ...
A Japanese-American director digs deep into the controversial 'comfort women' issue to settle the de...
If Only I Were That Warrior is a feature documentary film focusing on the Italian occupation of Ethi...
A thought-provoking documentary on the current and historical causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conf...
In 1992, KIM Bok-dong, reported herself as a victim of the sexual slavery, "comfort women" during Wo...
22nd of August, 1945. Japan lost the war and they loaded an 8,000 person Joseon laborer force onto ...
Gaza Fights for Freedom depicts the ongoing Great March of Return protests in the Gaza Strip, occupi...
From May 10, 1940, France is living one of the worst tragedies of it history. In a few weeks, the co...
Explore how one man's relentless drive and invention of the atomic bomb changed the nature of war fo...