Generation One is a short documentary that explores the perspectives of the American-born children of Arab Muslim immigrants as they navigate their two identities. The film follows the life of a Palestinian-American named Hamoody as he decides to leave his tight-knit Arab community and pursue his independence. With vignette interviews from five other Arab-Americans to supplement Hamoody's story and expound upon certain themes, Generation One sheds light on a range of unique challenges found between the hyphens.
Focusing on three women from vastly different backgrounds this film weaves together powerful moments...
Flubs and bloopers that occurred on the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1938.
A deceptively quiet park in the mist. Mysterious things are happening: a woman disappears, trees fal...
Documentary that shows the changing attitude towards immigrant labor in The Netherlands. The documen...
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
Filmmaker Helena de Llanos, who lives in the chaotic house, full of memories and treasures, where he...
A silent succession of black-and-white photographs of the city of Montreal.
THE CALLERS combines anonymous documentary testimony with imagined creative scenes to tell the story...
Jerry Wald has to write about radio, visiting Sid Gary gives him the tip it might be more easy for h...
With depth, intimacy, and humor, FLOAT! captures filmmaker Azza Cohen's magnetic grandma’s life-affi...
Teachings of an Issei. Advice, spirituality and challenges.
In a mesmerizing confessional built from home video and animation, Karla Cornejo Villavicencio explo...
Victims of a tragic air crash are honoured in a sombre military funeral procession through the stree...
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Decisive Moment is an 18-minute film produced in 1973 by Scholastic Magaz...
Away from her home in Hong Kong, Vivi records her daily life as a member of Loona in a video letter ...
Michael Paul Smith is a unique character. He has spent most of his reclusive life struggling through...
As an omnibus of short films, Art Through Our Eyes is inspired by the art collection found at the Na...
The making of the next Aaron Aaron Byrne Movie takes a turn for the worst.
The work of taxonomists hides more secrets than can be perceived.
SONG 5: A childbirth song (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimen...