Set in Osaka's Shinsekai, the film depicts the lives of Ayumu Tobita (Hidekazu Akai), who makes a living as a shogi gambler (shinken-shi), and Ryuzo Kayama (Masaya Kato) who aims to become a professional player.
After serving ten years due to a drug-induced assassination of a rival gang boss, Tachibana enters a...
When poverty-stricken Korean-Japanese (Zainichi) discover there is valuable iron ore in the rubble o...
Two boys, whose parents ply their trade by the mouth of a muddy river in Osaka, become close friends...
The indolent son of an oil vendor becomes a regular customer of a prostitute, racks up a mountain of...
Following a stint in reform school, Ryu (Shinsuke Shimada) returns to his home, the Minami area of O...
A poignant love story between a 29-year-old woman, who has once been a prostitute but is now the mis...
Daisuke is in the 2nd grade of high school and he plays on his school's baseball team. Daisuke then ...
Asami and Rina are two sisters who are both professional shogi players in the same B League. Both ar...
A former American G.I. joins a yakuza family after his release from prison in post-World War II Osak...
Two New York cops get involved in a gang war between members of the Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia. They...
Tourists, foreigners and outcasts converge on the streets of Osaka in this sprawling ensemble drama ...
Coco, a Beijing modern girl wants to spend a romantic and fancy Christmas vacation in Osaka. However...
Turbulent life of Kiwa, the successor of the most prominent yakuza in Osaka, the Domoto Clan.
Like a girl runaway, Tsuyu moves to Osaka to work as a bar hostess. She meets the owner of a model s...
In 1906, after finishing a tough migrant job in the Philippines, Takichi has returned to Japan. He s...
Kamagasaki is an "invisible" slum of Osaka that attracts day laborers and prostitutes since WW2. Whe...
Satoshi Murayama, the shogi (Japanese chess) master known as the arch-rival of Yoshiharu Habu, the s...
In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor...