After an acclaimed, extended run on Broadway, comedian Alex Edelman brings his solo show to HBO in a...
William Thacker is a London bookstore owner whose humdrum existence is thrown into romantic turmoil ...
They try everything in order to rekindle the flame and to spice up their love life. They really try ...
Pepa resolves to kill herself with a batch of sleeping-pill-laced gazpacho after her lover leaves he...
I regularly wonder if the child that I was would be proud of the adult that I have become. If he wou...
An American historian (Mr Webster) comes to Berlin to visit an old man who claims to be the real Ado...
A young woman arrives in Paris where she finds a job as a waitress in bar next on Avenue Montaigne t...
Ingo organizes a charity event for the local golf club. Special guest will be the Hollywood star Dou...
Ricky, Walter and Edmund, 3 not very successful and chaotic Daydreamer, meet after all of them get f...
Sherlock Holmes is as dashing as ever, but with a little secret: Dr. Watson is the brains behind the...
Cecilia is a waitress in New Jersey, living a dreary life during the Great Depression. Her only esca...
At the beginning of the 1941 war, a young talented artist Igor and his theater were evacuated to Tas...
This time around, Chucky and his homicidal honey, Tiffany, are brought back to life by their orphan ...
Social networks, exacerbated militancy, Cancel Culture, the Covid crisis has only accelerated the em...