This short film traces the journey of the first Ukrainian settlers in Canada. Seeking freedom and op...
A short film that follows key figures of the London kink scene on an exploration into BDSM and the n...
Rolland, a 70 year-old man, exiled by his family due to his sexual orientation, makes peace with the...
Since the beginning of her career, Sinéad O’Connor has used her powerful voice to challenge the narr...
Debris is a 25 minute film made in collaboration with the National September 11th Memorial and Museu...
Crossfire is the investigative documentary by an international team of journalists about two reporte...
A highly sophisticated program documenting the night life of Bowling Green, Ohio.
Filmmaker Theo Anthony offers a far-ranging look at the biases in how people see things, focusing on...
A former corporate executive fleeing a bad marriage becomes a cannabis farmer, forms a company calle...
Five Years North is the coming-of-age story of Luis, an undocumented Guatemalan boy who just arrived...
Thanks to new excavations in Mauritius and Madagascar, as well as archival and museum research in Fr...
Produced for the "Little Nicky" Special Edition DVD.
This documentary focuses on the journey of Merton, a bohemian who went from communism to Catholicism...
When Ilse Cruz was a toddler, she and her mom immigrated from Mexico to Chicago in search of better ...
Documentary about the working process and creation of the album "Is Anybody Out There?" (I.A.O.T)