Daniel lives in Bernau, a small town north of Berlin.This film tells this 21-year-old’s story and de...
The night of November 8, 1923, is arguably the most significant and transformative in the history of...
On February 26, 1920, Robert Wiene's world-famous film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari premiered at the ...
In October 1987, the documentary film collective Amber Films from Newcastle became the first British...
Portrait of the spokesman of the student movement and extra-parliamentary opposition Rudi Dutschke, ...
In the summer of 1989 tens of thousands of tourists from communist East Germany came to Hungary. The...
Six million Jews died during World War II, both in the extermination camps and murdered by the mobil...
In 1989, thirteen GDR scientists and technicians set off from East Berlin to the Georg Forster resea...
The life story of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, who survived the Nazi reign as a trans woman and helped s...
It was arguably the deadliest conference in human history. The topic: plans to murder 11 million Jew...
It was the biggest escape in the history of the Berlin Wall: in one historic night of October 1964, ...
A documentary on the late American entertainer Dean Reed, who became a huge star in East Germany aft...
Cem Kaya’s dense documentary essay celebrates 60 years of Turkish music in Germany. An alternative p...
Documentary about Kurt Landauer, the long-time Jewish president of FC Bayern München, who led the cl...
Former "Titanic" satire magazine editor Martin Sonneborn takes an undercover trip around Berlin and ...
Emma Freese is desperate when her husband Alfred falls ill at the Howaldtswerke in Kiel. How is the ...