This film is dedicated to Mas-Félipe Delavouët, the poet discovered by Lawrence Durrell, who wrote 14,000 verses in Provençal over a period of thirty years, and who died on November 18, 1990. "The sky, history and Mediterranean and Provençal myths are the inexhaustable wellspring of this man rooted down there, near Salon-de-Provence" (J.-D. Pollet). "Mas-Félipe Delavouët wrote five books in Provençal, 14,000 verses. A sort of "Odyssey". Of myths. What is stunning in him is that he always talks of disappearances. Cities, works, men, writings, television, etc., everything has to disappear. In order to be reborn. No pain. A sort of hand-to-hand of man and nature. During the filming, I would simply throw out some words... For example, one time I said "creation" and he said: "creation doesn't exist..., creation is before me..., I can only read creation"; this sentence describes Delavouët perfectly (J.-D. Pollet, 1989 and 1993).
A golden sunrise brings light to the foggy hills and meadows of late summer.
Riding Giants is story about big wave surfers who have become heroes and legends in their sport. Dir...
Hasan Hourani, a Palestinian poet and illustrator, died aged 29 in Jaffa while trying to rescue his ...
The natural universe reveals God's power, majesty, wisdom, and creative genius. The human conscience...
sucking on words is a documentary film that features interviews with, and extensive performances by,...
Humorous, melancholy documentary about copywriter, photo model and poet Frans Vogel (1935-2016). A h...
Through performatic acts and some exposition, a group of poets of that 1980's generation make great ...
In France’s last presidential election, Marine Le Pen, a right-wing candidate, won over 30 per cent ...
Performance and conversation with husband-and-wife poets Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon at a New Jersey...
One of a series of ‘falls’ by Bas Jan Ader that he recorded on film, this work was filmed in West Ka...
Bas Jan Ader hangs from the branch of a tall tree, until he loses his grip and falls into a river be...
An event organised by CND pits the bomb against poetry. Hear artists who hoped that words and rhymes...
A documentary on the life and work of Poet Laureate, two-time Pulitzer winner, and environmental act...
This documentary is a chronicle of the journey through the most important sites of the life of venez...
Sir John Betjeman visits and explains the architecture of various churches in the Diocese of Norwich...