A docu-comedy special that follows stand-up comedian Rory Scovel as he performs six nights in a row with one difficult, self imposed rule: not using any pre-written material. It all happens in Atlanta at Relapse Theatre, a venue operated by Bob Wood who tells his own unbelievable story of how he slowly and maybe with some questions of legality, converted an abandoned church into one of the best comedy venues in the country.
This documentary chronicles the decade-long run of the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival – including a f...
In her first ever comedy concert film, Comedian Kathy Griffin details the aftermath of lost work and...
After another year of lockdowns, Aziz takes the stage to skewer pandemic life, quarantines, vaccine ...
Honest, entertaining and hilarious, John Caparulo invites everyone to come inside his world as he se...
Theo Maassen puts his teeth in his first-ever New Year's conference. Twelve months, 52 weeks, 365 da...
From the liquid courage behind his tweets to the sobering realities of making it in Mumbai, Kapil's ...
Buckle up for a big gay comedy ride with comedian Rachel Scanlon in this special for some unbridled ...
Victoria Wood seen performing live at her sold-out show in the Albert Hall using her usual anecdotal...
Registration of the fifth theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederi...
After five theatre programs, the comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten perform...
Kathy Griffin's 20th Stand-up Special, recorded at San Antonio's Majestic Theatre
In the early 1980s Rodney Rude was hired by his friend Barry Wain to set up the first stand-up comed...
A first class evening of comedy anecdotes and audience participation, all delivered in Adam Hills la...
Kamal Kharmach is responsible for the year-end conference for the third time. Sit down for a witty, ...
The Dutch comedian Najib Amhali looks back on 2021. He tells how he got through the past year, how h...
This last year has been unlike any other: COVID, lockdowns, and for Gary, it has also included a div...