In a small village, a young man named Yudha revolts against ruthless, oppressive tribal chief Mahesa and his pet monster, Gordo. After Yudha is defeated and falls into a ravine, he ends up in a land of amazon women and then plots of decapitate an evil princess with death ray eyes to use as a secret weapon.
A ship runs aground on a mysterious atoll leading to an investigation by insurance representative Ku...
A crew of scientists arrives on a far, cold planet to examine archaic artifacts of unknown origin. T...
A dark forest, a castle in ruins, two medieval knights and a diabolic creature from times immemorial...
A disgraced podcast host interviews an eccentric farmer who claims to have a monster living in the w...
Picking up where Erecting A Monster left off, Victor must battle his incubus possessed penis. Togeth...
A group of people find themselves trapped in a prison facility used to contain prehistoric creatures...
Clara is alone at home, watching TV. Noises begin to echo through the house. Will it be a visit?
Trapped in a mysterious underground experiment, a group of people must survive against monsters, tra...
After being diagnosed with brain cancer, a desperate American man kidnaps the reptilian lover of the...
When aspiring horror filmmakers post an online casting call looking for "real life" monsters to inte...
Six college grads on spring break get a cabin in the swamplands of Georgia. Once there, they decide ...
Mankind attains longevity through gene manipulation, but finds itself on the road to extinction when...
Set in the Balkans, this story concerns a bored journalist, Nora who is ordered by her boss to follo...
Unusual volcanic activity in Japan awakens Gyaos, a bloodthirsty flying monster with the power to sl...
A lizard man tries to get to a treasure island while chased by a sea monster.
Two planets on a collision course with Earth are discovered to be populated by teenage cave-women an...
When a workaholic city police officer and her laid-back partner try to stop a dishevelled girl stagg...
Trapped on an island, a team of mercenaries on a rescue mission begin to question everything around ...
A group of drag-racing fanatics, members of a Los Angeles club, move into an old deserted mansion an...