"A Postcard from Pyongyang" is a journey into a deeply enigmatic and completely isolated country that keeps the world in suspense: North Korea. Friends Gregor Möller, Philip Kist and Anne Lewald visit in 2013 and 2017 and do what is strictly forbidden and for which they might have ended up in a forced labor camp: even though accompanied by state watchers, they secretly film their travels, accompanied by state watchdogs. We get an extraordinary insight into one of the most closed societies in the world and experience the 'beautiful new world' as the state propaganda machinery displays it.
This FitzPatrick Miniature visits the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the largest geogra...
A film-within-the-film scenario involving a cameraman who's given a week to photograph the aerial hi...
Filmed in glorious HD over 5 years and in 10 locations, 80 WAVES is a collection of huge waves and b...
Belgian filmmaker Eric Pauwels' meditation on dream, travel and film.
Simon Reeve visits Colombia in the year of the pacification, at least on paper, between the governme...
Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the s...
Two journalists traverse the Grand Canyon by foot, hoping this 750-mile walk will help them better ...
About five years after her film, Hana, dul, sed ... (2009), filmmaker Brigitte Weich returns to Nort...
This Feature documentary is about the lives of Louis Brunke and Vladimir Fissenko who rode on horseb...
It’s October 10 2020 and Kim Jong-un presents the largest mobile rocket on Earth. Jippe Liefbroer, I...
Documentary following Dick Strawbridge and Alice Roberts as they explore the British landscapes that...
Journey with the musicians of the Berlin Philharmonic and their conductor Sir Simon Rattle on a brea...
A journey through several countries to find those who really know Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader,...
A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-y...
Is it possible to have fun in Pyongyang? Can one be joyful in the Democratic People’s Republic of Ko...
Why do we do incredibly difficult things that have no practical application? Is there a parallel bet...
Due to rising sea levels, the Maldives and its culture is on the brink. In this travel show with pur...
1960s Egyptian documentary showing scenes of local life along the banks of the River Nile, with narr...