Loosely based on Charles Dicken’s book “A Tale of Two Cities”, Working Class tells the tale of under...
Filmmaker Jonas Mekas follows the surrealist artist around the streets of New York documenting stage...
Roadsworth: Crossing the Line details a Montreal stencil artist's clandestine campaign to make his m...
At the wheel of an old truck from the 1970s, Bilal, street artist, and Antoine, director, embarked o...
Ache- B is a consecrated artist, gives his perspective on migration and art and how these two have i...
Blind Skateboard's 2nd video since the release of the 1991 film "Video Days"
C1RCA Footwear presents it's full length video with team members Adrian Lopez, Jon Allie, Colt Cann...
An essay on street art in Sao Paulo during the early 90s.
Through interviews and guerilla footage of graffiti writers in action on five continents, the docume...
In 1970s New York, photographer Martha Cooper captured some of the first images of graffiti at a tim...
With a strong emphasis on founder Larry Harvey and temple artist David Best, this video expresses th...
Director Agnès Varda and photographer/muralist JR journey through rural France and form an unlikely ...
In Europe, road junctions have become public art galleries. A road trip across France, Switzerland, ...
Artist David Choe has led a life of high risk, from hedonistic excesses to being imprisoned at a max...
This mini documentary features a rare interview with infamous graffiti artist Banksy, delving into h...
A look at the feud between graffiti artists King Robbo and Banksy.
They are known as "shock activists", surprising again and again with radical-provocative, often ille...
From the Boogie Down Bronx and beyond, the history of the b-boy.