As a new school year begins at Seisho Music Academy, nine third-year students in Class A of the Acto...
The play tells a new original story that features characters from the Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight R...
The story of Oedipus' gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mot...
Steven Berkoff's iconic adaptation of Franz Kafka’s novella, which tells the tale of a traveling sal...
Hamlet has the world at his feet. Young, wealthy and living a hedonistic life studying abroad. Then ...
Hired to helm an Americanized take on a British play, director Lloyd Fellowes does his best to contr...
A fusion of film and theatre based on the play of the same title by Micomicon. The film shows the pl...
When the King of Navarre and his three courtiers forswear all pleasure - particularly of the female ...