The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday night edition of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. The show typically featured guest hosts, except for a period from July 1975 through March 1976 when singer Helen Reddy served as the regular host. Wolfman Jack served as the announcer and frequent guest host. The program's theme song, a traditional folk song called "Midnight Special", was performed by Johnny Rivers.
In the 1980s we got our MTV but seemed to have lost much of the musical film in the process. But the...
The ultimate video yearmix of 2011. 61 tracks in the mix.
It’s the city that gave birth to The Beatles, inspired Gerry to ride that ferry, and spawned Bunnyme...
A compilation of scenes and acts from various comedy and musical shorts over the years.
The film is a rundown of the songs sung by the stars of the time, chained to various shows such as s...
Eleven sexy music videos you could never see on television complete and uncensored for the first tim...
Led Zeppelin is a double DVD set first released in 2003. It represents the first official video rele...
U218 Videos is a music video compilation DVD by U2 from 2006, released the same day as its compilati...
Highlighted on the With The Lights Out DVD is a previously unreleased video of nine songs performed ...
A look back at some of Dolly Parton's finest performances at the BBC, incorporating her greatest mom...
Hitori 'Bocchi' Gotoh is an introverted girl. During middle school, she took up the guitar, wanting ...
1.The Stranger from Within 2.Valley of the Queens 3.Isis and Osiris 4.The Two Gates 5.Teaser: Th...
Between 1978 and 1994, Kate Bush appeared on a variety of BBC programmes, including Saturday Night a...
David Bowie , The Go-Betweens,R.E.M, Duran Duran,Adam And The Ants,Divinyls, Blondie,The Specials,De...
Following their success in the qualifying round for the Kansai regional competition, the members of ...
Archibald Asparagus has cancelled 'Silly Songs with Larry'! A despondent Larry the Cucumber drowns h...
Before they were legends, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash hit the road, guitars in hand, playing for s...
Compilation film of various African-American performers and acts.