The documentary tells the story of Sydney Opera House architect Jørn Utzon's unique gift, brought to the world with the unending support of Lis, the love of his life. His story is told by the people who were closest to him: his children, close colleagues and friends, who share their open, honest anecdotes, and experiences of him as an architect and a man. The film is a portrait of a devoted humanitarian and a sensitive and loving soul.
"Hello. I'm Itami Jun. I apologize for my poor Korean." Itami Jun (Yoo Dongryong), a Korean architec...
A portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), a genius of modern architecture, whose life passed bet...
The six-decade transformation of a block of houses, shown by means of artfully featured archival sho...
Peter Rice...An Engineer imagines is a cinematic homage to the life and ideas of Peter Rice widely r...
Schaub and Schindelm’s documentary follows two Swiss star architects, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de M...
Tadao Ando (b.1941) is a world-renowned architect, and a recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Priz...
The memory of Piero Portaluppi, a Milanese architect who reached the peak of his fame during the 20 ...
An intimate portrait of Christopher Alexander, a critic of modern architecture on a lifelong quest t...
Visiting examples of Herzog and de Meurons ground-breaking style, this film reflects their capacity ...
The fifth project of the Living Architectures series, Inside Piano is composed of three films on thr...
Rule of Stone is a documentary film that exposes the power of architecture and the role it has playe...
This documentary explores the creation of the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin as designed by architect ...
Based on a series of interviews documentary film maker Anders Wahlgren made with architect Sven Mark...
One of the most significant cases in European archaeology is the grave of the shaman woman of Bad Dü...
Examines the practical philosophy, the achievements and frustrations of one of New Zealand's most li...
While guiding us through her retrospective exhibition “Zaha Hadid Has Arrived”, the renowned archite...
In the very core of Salt Lake City, two special downtown blocks serve as a mirror. Just a handful of...
"Clean Lines, Open Spaces: A View of Mid-Century Modern Architecture" focuses on the construction bo...