Through an intimate and artistic lens, yet investigative and political, Milk brings a universal focu...
The planet’s busiest maternity hospital is located in one of its poorest and most populous countries...
What 'Food, Inc.' did for the food industry in America, this film will do for breastfeeding in our c...
Being mother is the most natural thing in the world. Or so it seems. Yet the demands on women with c...
This student film by the award-winning Helena Třeštíková bears many of the hallmarks of her later wo...
Under the shade of a Magnolia tree, a group of pregnant women gathers weekly. Among them is Teresa, ...
Given the fetishizing and normalizing character that is given to motherhood in patriarchy in order t...
As a letter to her son, the filmmaker testifies her experience as a photographer aboard the Aquarius...
"On the Tip of the Heart" - is a documentary on the St Peter's Hospital in Brussels, structured arou...
It is 1968 and Marianne is nineteen years old. She has been sent to a home for young girls, far from...
12-year-old Mully has lost his mother and discovers his debt-ridden father stealing the charity mone...
Jeanne take her daughter for the week-end in Majorque. While everything goes to rack and ruin, mothe...
A woman, Tome, is born to a lower class family in Japan in 1918. The title refers to an insect, repe...
A modern adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's short story about a man and a woman sharing an unexpected...
There is a war in the world between the men and the women. A young girl tries to escape this reality...
A Taliban soldier struggles to survive after he escapes his captors and flees into the Polish countr...