The thriller "Damned Memory" tells the story of Yoko (Leticia Takara) who lost her memory recently. Cintia (Mariusa Bregoli) tries to help her remember. Strange events occur in the house during the night, causing horror to friends and to all who enters there. Yoko has strange visions pounding in her mind and it says something inhabits her house beyond Cintia and her. Gradually, Yoko will recover, but what comes up are memories that must never be remembered.
A world-weary corporate drone experiences an overload of terrifying proportions.
When a new pupil arrives at a comprehensive school, he decides to take his video camera to film the ...
Trapped inside the Space Freighter/Refinery Dédalo, Siena tries to survive an infestation of diaboli...
Embark on a haunting journey with 'Threads,' a Claymation body horror directed by NOFAC3. After an e...
Psychological Horror short film directed by Elena Coletta.
To save the life of her dying son, Liz must venture to the desolate surface and face the monsters th...
Dylan's nightmares are becoming more real. He's got to get away or he might not wake up. Jenny is al...
After Reese brings home an antique chair, a series of horrific events follow, leading him to questio...
A boy ferociously slaughters his friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers.
Two victims of traumatized childhoods become lovers and serial murderers irresponsibly glorified by ...
Four men, stalled car, cornfields, and scarecrows. Is that a house in the distance?
The First Lady is kidnapped by a megalomaniac. To save his wife, the President goes into battle agai...
Sophie Jacobs is going through the most difficult time of her life. Now, she just has to find out if...
When Erin's special effects whiz father gives she and her friend Marty the first tickets to a new th...
Jenny and her husband Eric sit at a diner eating a cheap meal of burgers, fries and chocolate cake. ...
Celeste, a lonely outcast, searches for love and understanding online and meets a charming man who h...
A woman’s lover and her ex-boyfriend take justice into their own hands after she becomes the victim ...