An animated adaptation of Nikolai Gogol's classic short story about an office worker who saves all h...
The second film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sens...
Inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe story "The Tell-Tale Heart," this is the story of Ed, a middle-aged ...
Pete, a young orphan, runs away to a Maine fishing town with his best friend a lovable, sometimes in...
The third film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Senso...
According to the fairy tale of the same name, how the little sparrow Pashka, as a token of gratitude...
Bobby is an underachieving high school kid with a deep love for motorcycles. His most recent achieve...
Ironbark Bill has to fight against some insolent jackrabbits.
When Peter went to the war with the Nazis to the front, his son gave him a rhinoceros beetle he capt...
A story about a good boy and a shoemaker who wants to do his job, but faces many challenges because ...
This story took place in a village during the war. A horse left by the passing troops rescued all th...
A Grandpa Owl lived in a forest. He had his favorite tree to which birds flew and animals came runni...
About a fastidious beauty who could not decide who can become her husband. Her younger sisters decid...
A short animated film, adapted from the Jack London story "Moon-Face."
In this animated version of Edgar Allan Poe's story, a traveller arrives at the Usher mansion to fin...
Animated adaptation of the Edgar Allen Poe 1839 short story The Fall of the House of Usher, a work o...
Two parents put their child in his crib for the night and leave the room. The child starts crying, a...
An animated short based on Hans Christian Andersen's tale about a poor young girl with a burning des...