Filmmaker Rodney Evans embarks on a scientific and artistic journey, questioning how his loss of vis...
Six blind Tibetan teenagers climb the Lhakpa-Ri peak of Mount Everest, led by seven-summit blind mou...
What has four legs, five arms and three heads? The Gimp Monkeys. Craig DeMartino lost his leg after ...
The film director Niko von Glasow undertakes a journey to athletes, who compete at the Paralympic Ga...
On-ice enforcers struggle to rise through the professional ranks of the world's most prestigious hoc...
Ramba Zamba: a theater with handicapped and non-handicapped people/actresses and actors, which has b...
A first-person account of a kid named Sidney in a town that helped him become who he is today: Cole ...
Impaired vision-friendly documentary about blindness.
Directed by Ariane Louis-Seize, this tribute film was created as a gift for Lorraine Pintal, directo...
A documentary highlighting the Soviet Union's legendary and enigmatic hockey training culture and wo...
Sam Schmidt lived out his boyhood dream as an IndyCar racer, winning races and earning the title of ...
Chez Schwartz takes us inside a year in the life of Schwartz's Deli - the unique 75-year-old landmar...
A silent succession of black-and-white photographs of the city of Montreal.
Young Chinese-Canadian Susan Yee gives a tour of Montreal.