Hidden deep in the south of France, practically untouched by the modern age, is a place known by man...
The film tells the stories of five people with special abilities who treat and heal their patients i...
This television documentary takes us on a fascinating journey into the realms just beyond our five s...
In 1923, Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian scientist, philosopher & social innovator, predicted that i...
Documentary about a house of witchcraft in Buenos Aires
Solve Et Coagula - The Great Work of Alchemy. Building off of the success of Alchemy - Sacred Secret...
Despite the homeopathic doctors studying medicine, they treat their patients against the basis of sc...
In 2013, online clay animator Robert Benfer scammed hundreds of fans out of thousands of dollars and...
All cultures and ancient traditions tell about our being far beyond matter. 'The 1 Field', using th...
A hybrid documentary feature film about the genesis of "memetic magick" and its application by the a...
Finding Rudolf Steiner is a visually entrancing journey into the occult philosophy of clairvoyant Ru...