This short documentary illustrates rural French Canadian life in the early 1940s. The film follows Alexis Tremblay and his family through the busy autumn days as they bring in the harvest and help with bread baking and soap making. Winter sees the children revelling in outdoor sports while the women are busy with their weaving, and, with the coming of spring young and old alike repair to the fields once more to plough the earth in preparation for another season of varied crops. One of the first NFB films to be produced, directed, written and shot by women.
Marie-Philip is a PhD student and part-time professor who loves cats and Harry Potter. But one week ...
A documentary on the massacre of Planas in the Colombian east plains in 1970. An Indigenous communit...
Self-portrait. In 1998 our family came under armed attack. We were able to escape and we fled Grozny...
The Age of Stupid is the new movie from Director Franny Armstrong (McLibel) and producer John Battse...
Shot over three years, Pariah Dog paints a kaleidoscopic picture of the city of Kolkata, seen throug...
The story of a Serer village in the groundnut basin of Senegal. Using the words of their ancestors p...
The Purity Ball symbolizes a father's protection over his daughter's virginity, but how does this re...
Every Wednesday at noon, women who were kidnapped for sexual purpose by the Japanese army during its...
Portraits of contemporary African women from four West African nations: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal ...
Traces the lives of the Hartings, a blind Montreal family of three who make their living singing in ...
Alexandra Pelosi travels through the United States interviewing and filming several evangelical past...
The Beatles First US Visit uniquely chronicles the inside story of the two remarkable weeks when Bea...
This documentary on the effect the talent competition "Afghan Star" has on the incredibly diverse in...
SWIM TEAM chronicles the overwhelming struggles and extraordinary triumphs of 3 young athletes with ...
Over the past few years, Israel's ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated ...
The film analyzes the efforts by the families of 9/11 victims to create the 9/11 Commission and what...
A survivor of the Rwandan Genocide struggles to forgive the man who killed her children. A victim’s...
This is the story of Val and Clare: a mother and a daughter. After the tragic death of her eldest da...
Dr Iain Stewart tells the story of how Earth works and how, over the course of 4.6 billion years, it...
"Meat Joy is an erotic rite — excessive, indulgent, a celebration of flesh as material: raw fish, ch...