Based on the harrowing true story of an October 1982 shark encounter. After a yacht bound for Florida capsizes during an unexpected storm, its crew is left to drift for days in the chilling waters of the Atlantic where they become prey to a group of tiger sharks. With the hope of rescue dwindling, the crew must do everything in their power to survive as the sharks continue to hunt them.
Traveling businessman David Mann angers the driver of a rusty tanker while crossing the California d...
A scientist obsessed with creating life steals body parts to put together his "creation." Released a...
Adaptation of the novel by Oscar Wilde.
When another Mega Shark returns from the depths of the sea, world militaries go on high alert. Ocean...
The pursuit by America's loveliest girls for a coveted beauty crown is threatened by a scandal which...
A successful public relations man's refusal to admit his alcoholism jeopardizes his career, his fami...
A hired killer hunts down a schoolteacher to get something she has. She doesn't know what it is, but...
Eight people have to find their way out of a New York subway after being trapped following an earthq...
Rico 'Honeyboy' Ramirez is a Puerto Rican from the South Bronx who finds fame and fortune as a middl...
A bitterly divided family is forced to cooperate when their holiday plane crash-lands in the Califor...
The passengers in an aerial tramway are trapped when the tramway breaks down 8,500 feet in the air.
A claustrophobic armed robber, fleeing from his latest job, finds himself trapped with a group of pe...
A rich stockbroker buys a Nevada ghost town as a community for people who need a second chance in li...
A museum heist with an unusual twist: the three thieves are all physically disabled. The men, one co...
A young doctor returns to his New England home town after a long absence. He visits with the town's ...
Five young women find themselves at the mercy of a mysterious killer while vacationing on an isolate...
A notorious outlaw being escorted to prison by a homesteader and his wife turns out to have satanic ...
Two couples on a camping trip are hunted by two tigers set upon them by a crazed animal trainer.
A group of skiers are trapped inside a runaway train hurtling down a mountainside.
Fashion model Sarah Cornell, from the front car of a subway, witnesses a man pushing a woman onto th...