This mix of a scripted buddy comedy road movie and a real hidden camera prank show follows the outra...
Everyone has 'moved on', except for Sherman and Jim Levenstein's still understanding father. Little ...
When a Harvard-educated CIA agent is killed during an operation, the secret agency recruits his twin...
R-rated Candid Camera hosted by Allen Funt.
By accident, Mike gets the deal of his life. A rich managing director instructs him to seduce his un...
The 10 Rules comedy tells a story of a shy scientist Marek who falls hopelessly in love with a seemi...
Comedians play pranks on unsuspecting people vacationing at the beach.
The seventh installment in the original vacation prankster film series.
Sapthamashree Thaskaraha is a Malayalam film directed and written by Anil Radhakrishnan Menon starri...
Every second of every day, from the moment he was born, for the last thirty years, Truman Burbank ha...
From Allen Funt, the creator of TV's "Candid Camera." The hidden camera is pointed at people dealing...
Max, 20 years old, is a boy scout leader dealing with Tourette's syndrome. His symptoms disappear wh...
The Jokers thrill a live theatre audience with holiday-themed games, and compete to determine who wi...
Thirty-year-old Camilla, realizes that she doesn't have the life she deserves and decides that the o...
Myles is divorced in L.A. He wants a love life and a film career. So he decides to go on 20 dates an...
Following the blueprint of his film What Do You Say to a Naked Lady? (1970), Candid Candid host Alle...