A documentary directed by Hori Teiichi who was a production assistant on the 1994 documentary Otentousama ga Hoshii and has worked in a wide variety of genres from pink films to ordinary theatrical releases. The lifestyle and scenery of Osawa, a village situated 740 meters up on the mountainous slopes of Hamamatsu city's northern region in Shizuoka Prefecture, are the focus of this first installment to the "Tenryu-ku" series. It straightforwardly captures the tea harvest in late May and the tea processing conducted in a factory while showcasing mist shrouded tea fields drummed by rain as well as the beauty of the glistening green of the tea leaf shoots.
Bikes for Africa is an entertaining, insightful and moving documentary following the life adventures...
The last representatives of Mixteco culture inhabit a village in the Sierra Madre. Deprived of their...
Pseudo-ethnological documents about two villages which, without roads and electricity, "stopped exis...
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having...
When Werner Herzog was still a child, his father was beaten to death before his eyes. His mother was...
At the heart of the Moroccan High Atlas mountains, water is a resource in short supply. The village ...
The Bapst Brothers: Romain, Maurice and Jacques – whom we will also meet in The Gruyere Chronicle (p...
SauAcker depicts the obstacles faced by Philipp, a young farmer determined to modernize his father's...
The documentary tells the story of Uschi, a farmer living free and recluded in the bavarian alps. S...
A partnership between the Government of Mali and an American agricultural investor may see 200-squar...
Tea drinkers will benefit from 6 tips for making tea, as well as other handy hints.
In Turkey far too many women are still unable to read and write, and all they see in their life span...
Taking its lead from French artists like Renoir and Monet, the American impressionist movement follo...
A group of educators led by Fernand Deligny are working to create contact with autistic children in ...
The story of community in the Deep South that is forced to deal with the struggles of ignorance, hyp...