The Mad, Mad, Mad Comedians is a 1970 American animated television special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions. After the Christmas special Frosty the Snowman (1969), it was Rankin/Bass' second hand-drawn animated work to be outsourced to Osamu Tezuka's Mushi Production in Tokyo, Japan. The show aired on ABC on April 7, 1970 before the airing of that year's Oscars. It was a tribute to early vaudeville, and featured animated reworkings of various famous comedians' acts.
The third volume of clips featuring Will Ferrell.
Steve Martin's third NBC special serves as a salute to 1970s television commercials. Taking shots at...
Harrison attempts to throw the best funeral reception ever
A series of loosely connected skits that spoof news programs, commercials, porno films, kung-fu film...
Disney Channel fan-favorite stars take on a variety of zany characters and spooktacular spoofs in th...
Kevin the Teenager (Harry Enfield) presents this guide to those years of acne, angst and, of course,...
Guy Caballero and Edith Prickley try to persuade the FCC to renew SCTV's license.
Hosted by modern day horror hosts and “queens of darkness” The Boulet Brothers, The Boulet Brothers’...
"Hello! Hello you! May I give you a kiss?" Finally, Stefan Jürgens, Olli Dittrich, Tanja Schumann an...
A collection of Monty Python's Flying Circus skits from the first two seasons of their British TV se...
A pilot for a sketch show by Adam Buxton, featuring belligerent megastar Famous Guy, British cinema'...
A bizarre local food vendor helps cure two friends of their hunger pain.
Adam Scott presents this behind-the-scenes look at the world's worst first assistant director, with ...
Red Nose Day is back, live from Media City UK, Salford. It’s the UK’s biggest night of comedy and en...
An awkward ghoul makes his television debut as he presents the 1968 horror classic Night of the Livi...
Mitzi Gaynor and guests Ted Knight (Mary Tyler Moore Show), Jerry Orbach (Chicago), Suzanne Pleshett...
This behind-the-scenes special features cast members musing over public television's beloved "The Re...
For our fifteenth year of RiffTrax Live, we've selected the 1990's cult classic about bank robbing, ...
A pre-Monty Python mockumentary, written by and presented by John Cleese, that provides tips on lear...