North Face tells the story of two German climbers Toni Kurz and Andreas Hinterstoisser and their att...
A well-known filmmaker follows a famous mountain climber to Nepal, documenting the journey. Conversa...
Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer journeys to the Himalayas without his family to head an expedit...
2005. When a trip to New Zealand gets put off, Boone Speed, Chris Sharma, and Nate Gold have 2 weeks...
Six blind Tibetan teenagers climb the Lhakpa-Ri peak of Mount Everest, led by seven-summit blind mou...
Jim Bridwell was one of the best climbers in the world in the 70s, 80s. The documentary chronicles B...
Daredevil mountain climbers on their attempt to break yet another speed climbing record.
Film about the alpinist Roger Schäli and the Arwa Spire summit.
Famous for his fast solos on the harshest north faces of the Alps, Ueli Steck decided to learn a new...
Brette Harrington, 24, is a rising talent in the climbing world. From overhead free ascents to long ...
The UK climbing scene is known for its strict traditional ethic, yielding dangerous routes and a com...
Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin and Renan Ozturk ascend Northern India's Meru Shark Fin, one of the last gr...