"Six Million Steps" is a documentary film that chronicles the lives of hikers during their adventure on the Pacific Crest Trail, which spans 2,650 miles, the length of the U.S. Pacific coast.
Few hikers start the PCT and finish. Even fewer clock a time faster than five months. Professional d...
When two former top orienteers end up in a snowstorm in Lapland wilderness, they face an impossible ...
In an epic snow year, five friends leave their daily lives behind to hike California's historic John...
Unaided and inexperienced, a crew of four venture through the most rural and inaccessible natural ar...
This short documentary tells the story of one of the world’s most difficult and bizarre sporting eve...
Kintaro Walks Japan is a documentary film produced and directed by Tyler MacNiven. It is an account ...
A devoted couple and their dog set out to hike the Appalachian Trail. Where does it take them and wh...
A contemplation of art and adventure in the southern wilds of New Zealand by both a landscape photog...
A meditation on memory around Iceland's famous Ring Road.
Some people think John Muir was a hero. Others: not so much. The Adventure Brothers hike the famous ...
Sven has a dream. Once in his life he wants to walk the Camino de Santiago - the Way of St. James. B...
Julia Bradbury heads for Iceland to embark on the toughest walk of her life. Her challenge is to wal...
13 years ago, they didn't know what it was like to cycle in a harsh country. What it means to be kno...
A lonely individual embarks on a scenic drive up a mountain, seeking fresh air and a renewed perspec...
Five men delve deep into the mountains of Utah, hitting five national parks within five days. What s...
In this immersive documentary, Winston Stairs invites the audience on a soul-soothing expedition int...
A 20 day, 240 mile solo thru-hike of the JMT in August 2014, over 11 passes, across Sequoia, Kings C...
In 2023, Writer/director Aaron Irons went deep into the Appalachian wilderness area known as Jeffrey...
In New York's Adirondack State Park, 46 mountains rise over 4,000 feet in elevation-these are known ...
A long distance solo hiker maps out a 1000 mile route across the vast and untouched Nevada wildernes...