This documentary follows charismatic Brazilian duo Anavitória from their modest hometown to the red carpet of the 2017 Latin Grammys in Las Vegas.
When reserved and lonely teenager Fenix meets popular high school girl Scarlett, the two form a bond...
In this biopic, Christian Rahadi – aka Chrisye – overcomes early failures, family strife and anxiety...
From a Distance: The Event is a live album by Cliff Richard, released in 1990 by EMI. The album was ...
A documentary filmed behind the scenes of the Bon Jovi's Lost Highway tour in 2008.
Pitty decidiu preparar um show especial. Um DVD “mais roots, diferente do anterior, com uma pegada m...
Grammy Award-winning band Bon Jovi shot a historic performance during their four night sold-out show...
A collection of Madonna's favorite videos from 1993-1999. Contains the 14 videos: Bad Girl, Fever, R...
International superstars The Cranberries perform in their first concert film since 1994, recorded at...
R.E.M. performance at MTV Live launch concert at Panathinaiko Stadium, Athens on October 5, 2008.
Incredibly popular already, Avril Lavigne is now a global international superstar of the first order...
This unauthorized chronicle of Michael Jackson's career recounts the King of Pop's rise from child-s...
The story of The Beatles' last song featuring exclusive footage and commentary.
Though Hits out of Hell shares the title of Meat Loaf's 1984 greatest hits album, the tracklisting i...
Ballad Hits "A Thing About You" "It Must Have Been Love" "Listen to Your Heart" "Fading Like a F...
Avril Lavigne is up-front, outrageous and totally in control. And now her first DVD gives you a fron...
The worlds of glitz, glam, and pop-rock fused immortally on Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, born of the f...