The comic mishaps and adventures of a young boy named Ralph, trying to convince his parents, teacher...
The first of Perry Como's Christmas specials includes appearances by Rich Little and figure skater P...
A story of an Indian who votes for the Conservative Party and hates refugees.
Given the opportunity to revisit her estranged family on Christmas Eve, 1996, Kristin Cartwright dis...
To keep the family home from being sold, four very modern March sisters tackle home improvement on t...
Melman the Giraffe meets Hank, a goose who has been separated from his family and along with his fri...
Shop owner Alice Chapman is nervous to meet her future in-laws at Christmas, especially because she ...
When Ruprecht forgets his wife Johanna at the taxi stand and shows no regrets, the well-off architec...
With the Christmas season fast approaching, department store window decorator Sloan Van Doren is hop...
Single mom Madison finds herself scraping pennies together two weeks before Christmas after the IRS ...
Andy and the NBC kids search for Santa, starring from Finland.
A charming Christmas tale of hope, forgiveness and faith that centers around a single mom, her seven...
Steve and Cynthia are a newlywed couple celebrating their first Christmas together. They invite thei...
Eight London couples try to deal with their relationships in different ways. Their tryst with love m...
Veronica experiences seven years of her future over the course of one week.
To save his daughter's Christmas, Andrew goes on a road trip with Dev, his neighbour from hell, to b...
A holiday encounter with a forsaken boyfriend forces money-grubbing Mia Stone to re-examine her past...
There’s nothing like the holidays in Apocalypseburg!