This BBC Three film follows the first all Asian girls’ cricket team over the summer holidays as they train for their last ever tournament together. The team started at school four years ago when their only experience of cricket was their dads and brothers watching it on the TV. In spite of this, they took to it like naturals and began winning almost all of the tournaments they entered. Last year they lost out on becoming National champions at Lords by only one run.
Athens. Nothing seems to move. The locals seem as still as statues. While at the same time, somewher...
Women of mature years talk about their marriage, their first time, their intimate relationship with ...
This 'educational documentary' features 10 gorgeous playmates competing against each other in variou...
The work of taxonomists hides more secrets than can be perceived.
An experimental sports film made partly during the Scandinavian Open Championships in Halmstad in 19...
On a Summer afternoon, Pedro packs the last few boxes before having to leave his apartment in New Yo...
In this animated short, Tigers ace Jack Morris recalls the adventures of getting his team pizza afte...
Joseph Wilson meets the dance teacher fighting transphobic violence through voguing in Rio’s favelas...
This documentary showcases basketball player Michael Jordan's awe-inspiring moves, providing behind-...
Find Fix Finish delves into the stories of three US-Drone pilots revealing the clandestine operation...
For 2009, MSP Films takes an original look at the sport of skiing. All of the skiers in the film—par...
Enter the universe of three mujra dancers in Pakistan as they dodge state censorship and violence to...
A display of flower bouquets, rotating to show the Kinemacolour process.
Neverland is a state of mind, a mountain pushed up from the ground by imagination. Anyone can go but...
Indie film studio Silver Platter serves up yet another exhilarating ride through exotic and extreme ...
The Dream Is Alive takes you into space alongside the astronauts on the space shuttle. Share with th...
“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routin...
Filmmaker Jonas Mekas follows the surrealist artist around the streets of New York documenting stage...
Toy Soldier Productions spent the 2010/2011 winter exploring the Northwestern United States with som...