Tormented by a mysterious figure named Belmiro, a young woman goes up on a stage to deliver a monolo...
A boy who was once a perpetual outcast finds friends in a new boarding school. United with his new p...
Paris, in 1942. The wearing of the yellow star is decreed. On the verge of bankruptcy, Joseph Haffma...
Moby Dick is an unfinished film by Orson Welles, filmed in 1971. It is not to be confused with the i...
Unpolished and ultra-pragmatic industrialist Jean-Jacques Castella reluctantly attends Racine's trag...
Gritty adaption of William Shakespeare's play about the English King's bloody conquest of France.
A popular high school athlete and an academically gifted girl get roles in the school musical and de...
A teenage girl living in Baltimore in the early 1960s dreams of appearing on a popular TV dance show...
When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an...
Nadan is the story of a popular drama troupe owned by Devadas Sargavedi (Jayaram), which was previou...
Helena loves the arrogant Bertram, and when she cures the King of France of his sickness, she claim...
The Tudor Court is locked in a power struggle between its nobles and the Machiavellian Cardinal Wols...
Doctor Faustus is Christopher Marlowe's most renowned and controversial work. Famous for being the f...