Turtle Odyssey explores the unique lifecycle of an Australian green sea turtle named Bunji and her incredible journey across the open ocean. The film follows Bunji the green sea turtle from a hatchling into adulthood as she swims thousands of miles, meets incredible creatures and has some really wild encounters.
Driven by passion fed from a life-long fascination with sharks, Rob Stewart debunks historical stere...
An homage to the weird and wonderful world of B-movies, this short fauxdocumentary by film artist Ch...
Listen to the sound of the waves, the turtles, all these lamps; many personal emotions and sensation...
Explore the ruins of Port Royal, once a flourishing pirate city, known for extravagance, women and l...
Exploring the impact of human behavior on our environment from the perspective of one of South Flori...
Coral Reef Adventure follows the real-life expedition of ocean explorers and underwater filmmakers H...
Sea life in a whole new way. Deep Sea 3D, an underwater adventure from the filmmakers behind the suc...
Ocean Oasis is a fascinating journey into the bountiful seas and pristine deserts of two remarkably ...
Titanica is a fascinating non-fiction drama which tells the story of the 1991 expedition to the wrec...
A wine documentary exploring the most suitable types of wine in extreme environments for the future ...
Dr. Robert Ballard of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and his research team become the first unde...
They are inspirational, playful, powerful, interesting and very intelligent animals, which have a ma...
With a team of the world's foremost historic and marine experts as well as friend Bill Paxton, James...
Follow ocean legend Sylvia Earle, renowned underwater National Geographic photographer Brian Skerry,...
Valerie Taylor is a shark fanatic and an Australian icon – a marine maverick who forged her way as a...
James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici go on an adventure to find the lost city of Atlantis by using Gr...
Described as being a film about determination, danger and the ocean’s greatest depths, James Cameron...
Narratives of ecologists and conservationists are pitted against the human tendency to engineer and ...
An underwater exploration beneath kelp forests in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Southern Califo...