First transmitted in 1977, this documentary follows three months in the life of the 1st Battalion of...
From May 10, 1940, France is living one of the worst tragedies of it history. In a few weeks, the co...
A group of American and Vietnamese fighter pilots gather almost fifty years after the end of the Vie...
Portrait of the spokesman of the student movement and extra-parliamentary opposition Rudi Dutschke, ...
A US Air Force produced film that follows a group of F-105 pilots as they pass their hundredth missi...
During the chaotic final weeks of the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese Army closes in on Saigon as ...
A film about one of the most iconic images of the 20th century, the moment when the radical spirit o...
The Vietnam War during the JFK years and beyond. Made in 1972 in the filmmaker's apartment, without ...
How does a nation slip into war? Dateline-Saigon profiles the controversial reporting of five Pulitz...
50 years after the death of General De Gaulle, this film retraces his life, from his birth in 1890 t...
Straight Up: Helicopters in Action will take audiences on a series of aerial adventures. Fly along w...
A quarter of a million drug addicts —one of the most serious consequences of the Vietnam War. These ...
Both a visit to a very peculiar exhibition at the Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden, Ger...
The 'mighty' Hood was the pride of the British Navy for more than 20 years, revered around the world...
Four hard-hitting stores, from the deadliest period in U.S. Army Aviation, since Vietnam. Actual foo...
For three days in 1971, former US soldiers who were in Vietnam testify in Detroit about their war ex...
Mondo-style docudrama about a war correspondent who comes back home and has a spiritual crisis about...
The story of Vietnam War veteran Tim Kochis, who earned a Purple Heart after being wounded in action...