The series focuses on the adventures of Arata Kasuga, a high school student, who is targeted by Lilith, a teacher at a mystical school. Given three choices in an effort to help save the breakdown phenomenon of the world by evil forces and while attempting to solve the mystery of his beloved cousin and childhood friend, Hijiri, who disappeared to a difference space.
In the remote Southern Cross Island, a secret organization named The Glittering Crux plans to reacti...
A feature film created with one man's voice, license-free music and stock photos. Cinema in its imp...
Nora Scholar is now an interstellar bounty hunter, pursuing a powerful psychic on the desolate minin...
A tortured man-turned-machine recounts his inner conflicts while being escorted to fight his foe onc...
This engaging series of childhood recollections tells of an unconventional school in Tokyo during Wo...
In this rousing sequel to Kickboxer, Tong Po broods about his defeat at the hands of Kurt Sloan. Po ...
The surreal black comedy follows Nyatta, an anthropomorphic kitten, on his travel to the land of the...
Class 3-E is getting ready for their class trip to Kyoto, and Koro-sensei is as excited as ever! Nag...
Centers on a boy named Osamu who receives an umbrella as a gift from Sayu, but it goes missing. That...
Beyond the human realm, there is a magical race of beings who control the tides and the changing of ...
The "Academy Island Incident" in which four "kings" cross paths... Since then, Silver Clansmen Kuroh...
The first movie in a trilogy, focusing on the battle against the Takahashi brothers. High school stu...
In a cone-shaped land named Kikyōgahara in Shin Province, there lives a girl named Hana. She is a ge...
Zunko Tohoku can make any mochi into delicious zunda mochi by shooting it with her Zunda Arrow. Alon...
In a futuristic world, the "Nanorace," people whose genes contain nanomachines that grant them speci...
Hiroshi is tired of living alone so he orders a maid robot from a company called Happy ComeCome, but...
George Burns stars as a former vaudevillian who befriends a young runaway, played by 14-year old Bro...
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug...
Even during summer break, the Amusement Club lives up to its name! When Akari Akaza, Kyouko Toshinou...
An elderly ex-serviceman and widower looks to avenge his best friend's murder by doling out his own ...