In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a dark fantasy novel into a video game. A mind-bending tale with multiple endings.
The film follows the Safari Ressha who run the Galaxy Line, their conductor named Lady, and the Shad...
“Shorty” Matthews having recently been released from prison visits his girlfriend in London only to ...
Secret agent Napoleon Solo fights to stop a top-secret plot to conquer the world.
After his lover rejects him, Maurice attempts to come to terms with his sexuality within the restric...
The International Rescue team is faced with one of its toughest challenges yet, as the revolutionary...
Geng Geng had been an ordinary girl before her entry to the best high school in the province by chan...
A Nazi propaganda movie from 1941 directed by Max W. Kimmich, covering a story of Irish heroism and ...
Michael Jennings is a genius who's hired – and paid handsomely – by high-tech firms to work on highl...
State-of-the-art security system creator Jack Stanfield has cemented his reputation as a man who's t...
Humouristic reconstruction of the 1995 scandal when two British lads were accused of having faked a ...
Ambitious television reporter Tim O'Hara stumbles upon a martian whose spaceship has accidentally cr...
In a future world, young people are increasingly becoming addicted to an illegal (and potentially de...
Six years ago, the space alien ALF was on his way back to his new home when the Alien Task Force fin...
Fresh off ripping space-time a new one at the end of "Bender's Big Score," the Planet Express crew i...
Jerry Shaw and Rachel Holloman are two strangers whose lives are suddenly thrown into turmoil by a m...
When five hardcore Internet gamers are invited to a special party thrown by the website Hellworld, t...
After a random school shootout leaves a scientist's daughter and the shooter dead, he uses nano-robo...
The Duplex A86 is a 10 kilometer underground highway buried more than 90 meters deep. This concrete ...
Leslie Zevo is a fun-loving inventor who must save his late father's toy factory from his evil uncle...
Jobe is resuscitated by Jonathan Walker. He wants Jobe to create a special computer chip that would ...